Monday, January 12

The Anti-Jonadan Slogan

Beer and Pringles

I was gonna go to work today but I emailed this to my boss instead.
"Hey - work doesn't make me happy.  This sign says I don't have to do it if it doesn't make me happy."
Additionally, it snowed overnight here.  I asked Kitty, "Does shoveling the driveway make you happy?"
"@#$% no," she replied.
"Then this dumb sign says you should let it develop into a rutted ice patch."
But falling on ice doesn't make me happy.  Maybe we should just shovel, pretend we are happy because falling and getting surgery on my broken wrist really doesn't make me happy.
I nominate this sign for Dumbest Sign Ever With Fewest Words
Be happy, or don't be happy
J McSunshine

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