Monday, September 9

Random LeMonday LeMusings

I went to Wendy’s for lunch today. Just got some carry-out…some value menu action while I’m on the go. My receipt says LaToye was my ‘Host’ and Zenetra was my ‘Cashier.’ Between LaToye and Zenetra, they completely forgot my 4 piece value spicy nuggies. Totally peeved. Next time I roll through the drive-thru at Wendy’s, I’m gonna have some LeWords with LeToye. 

Everyone has a club. I was in CVS and the cashier asked if I was part of their club. It sounded pretty exclusive. 

“You guys got a club?”

“It’s a rewards club. You accumulate points that you can accumulate. Would you like to sign up?”

“I dunno.  Do I have to put one of those barcode things on my keyring? Because if I do, it could be a deal-breaker."

Kitty is really into these clubs. I can’t even find the house key on her keys. I can get points at Speedway, Papa Joe’s, Meijer, PetCo, and Kroger…but I can’t get into my own house.  I’m going to use this as a talking point during my next fancy soiree I attend. 

“Are you and Kitty members of any clubs?”

“Yes. We just signed up for CVS Rewards. We were on the waitlist for a while though.”

"Does Oakland Hills make you put a barcode on your keychain?  Cuz if not, we're switching from CVS to those guys."

I keep idea notes on my phone for these musings. One of them says ‘Winery Dogs.’ What does that mean? Was I drunk, again? Anyone?

I’ve decided I don’t like tailgating or travelling Up North. I pack and pack and pack then drive and drive then unpack and unpack then drink and drink then pack and pack and pack then drive and drive. There’s a lot of packing, unpacking and driving just for a little drinking. 

Lastly, I got defriended on FB again last Friday for insinuating a statistical rise in something or another. I must have really hit a popular streak, because I am up to 259 friends now. Roll on 260!

LeJon McZenetra