Thursday, August 15

The Gas Station Near Me...

I'm not sure if this guy is a marketing guru or if this is his attempt at 'throwing a  bunch of shit against the wall and seeing what sticks.'

Previously, he had been peddling Drakkar Noir and other throwback colognes.  He's onto something, because only one bottle of CK Obsession remains (on the pimpin' granite checkout counter).

Maybe it's because I feel like I'm at a dance club, but the overhead tunes of Avicii just make me want to spend spend spend.  Perhaps someday I'll splurge and purchase one of his diamond encrusted pocket knives.

I'm a little concerned that his new venture into the sock arena may be short-lived:

If I only had a dollar for every time I was pumping gas, and thought..."I need new socks," ... I'd dollars.


Wednesday, August 14

Haste Makes Waste

Sometimes, the world just needs to slow down...(sorry for the repeat post, FB friends)

Random Wednesday Wonderings

Welcome to the initial blog of kinky pickles. This site has nothing to do with pickles, or kink. 

Kitty and I dropped the kids off at camp on Sunday. We've been drinking and watching R rated movies since then. We cleaned the house and have sat in complete silence otherwise. 

Oldest kid couldn't take his phone and left it on his charger. He got one text message, an accidental one from Kitty. Slightly concerning that his phone is not blowing up from his summertime pool lady-friends. Genetically, he has a disadvantage in this department. Sorry, kid. 

Number of empty potato chip bags found in bedrooms or on the living room floor in the last 72 hours:

Number of skanky-ass dirty socks found inside the couch: 3 Where is the 4th sock? 

Number of Little Caeser's Hot-and-Nasty pizzas bought in the last 72: 0 

Last night, Kitty and I had quiet dinner. She rocks this Chicken Piccata dish. We split a bottle of wine, then I went on to have a couple Labatt Blues. I think that Short's Nicie Spicie guys may have called the guys from Labatt and have given them some of the ingredients that induce digestive trauma. I was trumpets involuntary all night...she says. I recall only one waking me from my slumber. It was impressive and I think I giggled in my sleep. 

Today's blog will be short and sweet, as I kind of got this going on a whim. In the near future I plan to get lights-out wasted on Lime-a-Ritas and blog the whole thing. Stay tuned. 

Kinky Pickles