Monday, January 19

Day 18 - My Dylan McKay Weekend

18 Days without booze or heroin.  I have never done heroin, but I've done much amounts of booze.

This weekend was my Dylan  McKay moment.  I almost found myself like this:
"As soon as I find my contact lens, I am doing more heroin."
Kitty and I were caught asking each other more than once, "You know what sounds really good right about now?"

"A big bottle of wine?"


It's amazing what a Diet Coke and some disco dancing will do for your cravings, though.  We both made it through.  We did not succumb to a Dylan moment.  We continued our alcohol-free journey to the promised land of January 32nd 31st.

13 Days until Booze-a-palooza 2015...or just a few beers and Pringles.

Stay smack-free
J McMcKay

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