Tuesday, March 4

The "I Never Sleep!!!" Motivational Poster

Here's another case of someone not using their "Waaaaiiit a minute" filter in their brain:
Something is missing...

I don't want to put words into anyone's mouth, especially someone that wears compression socks, but I believe what they meant to say was:

Working out is easier than not eating Twinkies

One can replace Twinkies with Pringles, Bacon, BDubs, Nacho Bel Grande or Timbits and draw the same conclusion.

As written, I envision some poor, tired crossfitter suffering between workouts.
I can haz crossfit?

Perhaps STRENGTH-author doesn't sleep.  If they do, I'm sure they don't sleep with a plate. Not even the slothiest of sloths have plates in their beds. 

So let's assume we can eliminate sleepy-time from the phrase.  Assuming 8 hours for sleep, 1 hour for the workout, 30 minutes for drive-time, parhaps I have a job...so 9 hours for my job, and 30 minutes for bathroom breaks...I really only have to use plate control for 5 hours.  Paleo-lovers eat for about 4 hours per day, so I only need to have controla de la plata for una hora.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.  BOOM!  FIFY

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