Monday, August 19

Random Monday Musings – The Kinky Pickles Inaugural Edition

Random Monday Musings – The Kinky Pickles Inaugural Edition 

I’ve become kind of famous for these musings. When I say famous, that means with 251 Facebook friends and 15 Twitter followers. 

Those goofy kid names from the 90’s are now entering the work force. Welcome Ethan, Connor and Zachary to the world of gainful employment. Gone are the Johns, Mikes, Erics and Carls. 

I used to work for this guy named Carl. He was kind of a weenie…probably because his name was Carl.

Kitty spent the weekend gallivanting around the greater Cleveland area. I filled the role of ‘Kid Taxi-driver’ for the weekend and nursed my frustrations by killing two growlers of leftover Nicie Spicie. I now have n=4 data points confirming the digestive trauma side effects are legit. I know I need n=22 to develop statistical significance, but my personal plumbing system won’t be able to take it.

I watched Clueless with the 9 and 12 year old on Saturday evening. We spent our Sunday discussing the finer aspects of Alicia Silverstone’s pouty lips. 12 year old was pretty bummed out when I told him that movie was pretty old and she is now 36. “She’s like…a MOM now!”

Managed to survive the weekend without going anywhere near the Woodward Dream Cruise. Made me kinda sad, and nostalgic for years gone by, so I set my lawn chair up in my front yard and watched the cars roll down my street. I saw a 2012 Ford Fusion that looked like it had just been washed. Totally cherry.

Lastly, Kitty brought me back a case of Yuengling Lager from the state that shall not be named. I wonder if I love this stuff only because it’s not made available to us here in the Mitten. It’s kinda like the 2013 version of 1978 Coors that came in little tan cans and was only available in States where my dad didn’t live. “This stuff’s made with real Artisian spring-fed water!” I always assumed it must have tasted like liquid gold. If I only knew that my 41 year-old self would be so disappointed. I imagine my boys reminiscing, years from now, about how they’re dads would go “batshit crazy” over a case of smuggled Yuengling.

Stay tuned to Kinky Pickles, this week, as we find out: ‘Where is Bon Jovi this week?’ … What’s hot at ‘The Gas Station Near Me’ and who needs to seriously see an editor about their ‘Overly Wordy Motivational Poster.’ 


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