Tuesday, January 6

Hey, Fat @#$%, Day 4

I never did get on my bike trainer, last night.   There is something about sliding on mandex cycling bibs when it's 8 degrees that's just no bueno.

I think maybe tomorrow I'll wear my bibs under my Dad khakis so I am ready to go when I get home.

Thought I was making progress today as my belt felt loose...only to be on the wrong notch.

Back Fat: 1
Jonadan: 0

Yesterday was busy with Dad stuff and I finally got to relaxing in my fat pants at about 9 pm.  Kitty was sadistically watching this on TV:

Gourmet red velvet ice cream show or something.

WTFKitty.   That's just bullshit.  She has the willpower of a monk.

"Doesn't this make you hungry?"

"No...I just like cooking shows."

So instead of Bananas Foster Ice Cream, I filled up on some Skinny Pop, which fills your belly like anything with the word "Skinny" in it can do.

Stay Hawngry

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