Monday, January 5

Hey, Fat @#$%, Day 3

What happened to day 2?

See, daily chronicles are a bad idea for those who are forgetful.

On another note, you should never post workout videos from your basement if you still have to fold your laundry.

Back to Day 3 of the BONE-K challenge.  I have changed the name back to its original name.  Not NBEOK (No Booze Eat OK), but to the the original Jonadan.  It's named after a celebration of me, but kind of like a depravation of me, which is most likely a good thing.  It's like Ramadan for people who drink too much beer and eat too many potato chips.

I actually didn't write about Day 2 because Kitty and I seriously considered just leaving the kids and  going out for beer and pizza.  Then we looked at how tight our clothes were fitting and ate a salad instead.  We may have split a Diet Pepsi, I can't recall.

Day 3 began as usual with a cup of coffee.  I really hope the surgeon general doesn't ever come out and take all the fun out of coffee like he did with cigarettes.  Sometimes, if you imagine your coffee is a big plate of bacon and eggs, it will still taste like coffee and not complteely fill you.

I have no idea what I ate on Day 3.  It was probably some apples, twigs, leaves and berries.  I am in a perpetual state of hunger.  I have made no progress and am wearing my dad khakis to work today.  I can feel my back fat holding on for its life as I starve it out of existence.

Stay tuned for Day 4 as I will put on my mandex cycling shorts and get on my bike and trainer.  This may be when I am at my most desireable with my white, dry-skinned legs and my mannel toe.

Stay hungry...literally
J McJonadan

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