Thursday, March 6

UPDATE - 208 Pages of Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi's WORK must really be a good read.  JBJ himself has even purchased a copy. 
"That guys got a great ass.  Hey...That's me!"
He's concentrating pretty hard for a picture book.

I didn't buy a copy, but I looked on the Google and I guess he's doing outdoor Pilates in Australia in it. 
"Livin' on the barbie, mate!"
That's pretty impressive.

If you like reading about Jon reading about pictures of himself, or if you are a fan of Australian Pilates, I would totally buy it. If you have babies and they like JBJ, you can show the world how much your little dirt-ass rocks:


Whoa...They're halfway there, man.  Sweet photos from Slippery When in Print.

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