Friday, February 28

I Probably Picked the Wrong Blog Name

The fun thing about the interwebz is that there are tools to find out how everyone gets to my dumb-ass blog.  Some come from Facebook, some the Twittersphere, some have it bookmarked as their homepage and come first thing, everyday (Thanks, Kitty).

Others search for it on the google-machine.

Even others arrive here by mistake:

He did pretty well for typing one-handed

I went back over all my posts and I'm pretty sure I killed this guy's boner when he landed here.

" with pickles.  ENTER...Kinky Pickles blog, interesting."

"Random Monday Musings?  What the hell?"

So some poor guy may have ended his "alone time" to a picture of socks from a gas station.  It probably all depends on how FIRED UP he was...when he landed here.

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