Thursday, August 22

The Overly Wordy Motivational Poster

Perhaps I'm missing something, but it sure seems like errbody is into goofy fitness regimes.  I don't really care that they're not shy about letting us know, either.

"Lifted 4 logs over my head 37 times in my WOD, bro!"

Sweet.  In fact...kick ass...big log-lifter guy.

"Hittin' those tractor tires with the hammer!  Feel the burn, bro!"

Awesome.  If I'm ever attacked by a tractor, I want you, your compression socks and your sledgehammer right by my side. 

I'm also confident that these were the kids that struggled with sentence diagrams in 9th grade English.  Thus, they shouldn't make make any attempts at prose.  Exhibit A:

This guy puts this crap on T-shirts. Frealz. 

I'll take 'Missing Punctuation' for $400, Alex.  Normally, I'd stop reading at 'selfish', but since I'm blogging about it, I had to read it.

I can MAYBE understand his disdain for school, and certainly politics, but traffic lights???  

"Damn you all to other people traveling perpendicular to me!"

I concur with his assessment of Ed Hardy, but I don't think I'd make a cheesy T-shirt about another cheesy T-shirt.  That's akin to Gary, IN making fun of Detroit.

I don't think I'm ever going to buy a shirt that lacks brevity from a guy who hates traffic lights and doesn't know what brevity means.

Just do it.  Impossible is nothing.  There, see how easy that is, HTFU guy?


Photo credit:  This guy's FB page.

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