Thursday, January 8

Hey, Fat @#$%, Pizza Day

Stop.  Just stop.
Everyone around me has decided to eat pizza.

Kitty got a Little Caeser's Hot and Nasty last night.  She knows full well that I normally grab two slices as I come in from work and take my shoes off.  You could put a cardboard pizza in the cardboard box and I would probably still take a piece or two.  Maybe it's because the Hot and Nasty is sort of like edible cardboard, but it still contains yummy goodness not found in tilapia and salad greens.

Today, everyone at work also decided to order individual pizzas for lunch.

"I thought you guys were trying to get healthy this year?"

"We gave up.  Want some?"

You know it, guRRRl.  I want the whole pizza.  My back fat is trying to re-route the neural firing signals to my fingers to get them to steal a slice.  I wish they would have ordered the Pizza Hut pretzel crust filled with Cheez Whiz that makes me dry heave and leave the room when I see the commercial.

My back fat did not win, I forgot my lunch and filled up on Coke Zero and peanuts.

JMcHungry: 1
Back Fat: 1 (from the other day, remember?)

Quick epidermal update:  The Yeti/bike trainer has still not surfaced from storage, but my partially cocoa-buttered gams did get out and do some sporting last night.

Stay Hungry

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