Thursday, February 27

208 Pages of Bon Jovi

After months and months and months of rocking out C-G-D-G across the globe, JBJ has decided to release a 208 page picture book for his cougar nation of fans.

Jon's ass graces the cover, partially blocked by a microphone battery, a portable defibrulator or an external pacemaker.  He insisted on having his butt make up more than 25% of the cover, and actually requested the name of the picture book be JON'S BUTT.

Publicists convinced the aging rocker to just keep the title WORK due to formatting constraints.

"Exclusive, intimate, and powerful images of Jon, Richie, David, and Taco" grace the pages of this nearly 5 pound book.  That's not England cash, folks.  That's pure weight in kilos.  5 pounds of pictures of JBJ's butt, Richie's hat, David's David stuff and Taco's enchiladas.

Let's see if it's as good as When We Were Hotties:


J McWorkbutt

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